About Nancy Brooks
On Air: | Monday - Friday: 3 p.m. - 7 p.m. Saturday: 7 a.m. - Noon |
Favorite Scripture Verse:
'Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. '
James 1:2
Name One Thing You Cannot Walk Away From:
I absolutely love German Chocolate Cake. I think it’s the coconut. It gets me every time.
My husband, Russell, is my rock. My sons, Caleb and Josiah, are a constant source of joy and frustration. We have 3 grand dogs. You know the kind, the kids bring them in, then they move off to college and leave the pups. We love those little darlings. Isabelle and Sammy are dachshunds and Finley is just Finley.
Best Place You Have Traveled:
I love New York. We are a theater family, so when we went to New York and saw 5 shows in 4 days was unforgettable!
Weirdest Job You Have Ever Had:
I was a dog groomer for 9 years. It was a fun job. I loved giving doggie makeovers.
Another Job You Would Love to Have for One Day:
Working backstage on a Broadway show would be something to remember. It takes a lot of people to make something wonderful happen. The general public would not believe what happens behind the scenes to make show magic happen.
Surprise Us:
I have actually been in 2 movies! One is called “Tumbleton Road”. The second is called “Second Samuel”. Both are still on the film festival circuit. Producers are hopeful for a national release soon.
How You Want The World to Remember You:
The girl who found peace in Christ and lived it. I found out that I am enough, that God can take me as I am and mold me into something beautiful. Oh, and, I will be remembered as the fun loving, get things done, drama queen.