Listener Stories
Your story matters to God and to us at 89.1 KWFC. We are always hearing about how the right song at the right time impacts your life.
Tanya: "I found you while fleeing domestic violence shortly after becoming a newcomer to the U.S.A. Your station became my family away from home as I battled to recover. Your songs became my daily worship, and God reminded me through them that the enemy would not prevail because God loves me and is for me. It took nine years to recover from the devastation, and at times I gave to your station a bit as I could, but never what I wanted to. Today, I am renewing as a prayer of Thanksgiving for God's miracles through my journey, bringing me full circle. I just graduated as an RN and started my nursing career this month, as my way of serving my Lord."
Mackenzie: "I hit my lowest in 2020. I was running from God’s call on my life, trying to do life on my own. I had separated from my wife, lost my job, and the devil was in my head saying, “You don’t matter. Your wife and child are better off without you.” The day I made up my mind to take my life, I got in my truck and something told me to turn on your station. On the radio that day was a song telling me about Jesus. I surrendered fully to God’s call on my life that day, and what a wonderful whirlwind it has been since. My marriage was fully restored. He has blessed me with an amazing job, as well as helped me start a ministry as part of His call on my life".
Michelle: "13 years ago, I lost my only child. I was very lost and struggled with my grief for the first five years. I tried to take my life several times. I started listening to your station, and I don't know when it happened but one evening, I finally understood that God had not forsaken me. That God has been there all along holding my hand, helping me every day get through such a great loss. I finally, truly got it that one day I would be with my beautiful son again. Now, every day that passes I know I am one step closer to holding my son again and never having to let him go. I've gone on to reach out to other bereaved parents. To lose a child is the most devastating loss of them all and it's hard to find your way, but I tell everyone, “Please hold on to your faith. God will see you through.” Thank you for giving me back hope and a reason to go on.'
Tim: "Your station has been a bright light during one of the darkest periods of my life. My wife has been in and out of the hospital for an illness that, at times, made me feel hopeless. But there always seems to be just the song I need to hear playing. Bless you."
Joanne: "You have no idea what a blessing your station has been in my life. I am going through a divorce after 32 years of marriage. Never dreamed I would ever be in this position. I have gotten as low as a person could possibly go but the only thing that is keeping my head above water is God!! And He is working through your station to help me. I have every radio in my house and car set to your station."
Hollie: "I love this station, its mission, and song choices. I listen daily as a reminder through the song lyrics of the grace and love my Lord and Savior extends to those who call on His name. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication."
Debbie: "Yours is the only station I listen to at home and in my daily commute. So many blessings have been received through songs, messages, and through the radio hosts. Thank you for being that beacon of hope/light and sharing the message of our Savior's grace and mercy."
One couple recently shared, "KWFC is on every day, and we really rely on the music and ministry of this station. (Our dog even likes it! She can tell when the radio is on a different station...) Thank you for all you do. You have really walked with us during some difficult times."
Marsha: "It seems like the world is spiritually starving and when that touches my heart I know that I can go to KWFC and there will be a feast of inspirational music, prayer, teaching, and preaching and my spirit will be smiling."
You can share your story of how God has used this station to impact your life. Write us on Facebook, or call the KWFC Story Line at (417) 319-4891.